Established in 1921, The New Alexandria Public Library has been serving New Alexandria and surrounding areas for 88 years!
Our library not only allows you to check-out books, you can also check-out movies, audio books and so much more including all kinds of kid stuff! We also have 2 computers that have access to the Internet for public use. There is also a copy machine for public use for a small fee.
The New Alexandria Public Library is now home to The Family and Community History Research Center. Operated by the Derry Area Historical Society, the center offers access to family trees, community histories, cemetery records, local tax and census records and the complete set of land patent maps for the Greater Derry Area, principally Derry Township, the Boroughs of Derry and New Alexandria and surrounding areas.
Intersection of Route 981 & Route 22
Keystone Plaza
New Alexandria, PA, 15670
Mon-Wed: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Thurs: 1:00pm-6:00pm
Fri: Closed
Sat: 10:00pm-1:00pm