City of Sarasota-Siesta Key, FL

Find City of Sarasota-Siesta Key, FL local community phone numbers, local information & website links in this online phone book. Non-emergency phone numbers for your local police departments, fire departments & EMS are listed in this directory. If you are looking for your local library hours & location, you can find it in this listing of community numbers.  Do you need to send a package or buy stamps?  Nearby post offices are also conveniently listed in this directory for you.  If you are looking for information about local City of Sarasota-Siesta Key township/borough offices & services, such as tax collection, parks & recreation, public works, & codes & zoning applications or permits, find it here at  You will find all of these important numbers and more for your community in one convenient location right here at your fingertips!  For detailed information about each listing, click on the name.