Central Elementary School is an elementary school serving Cornwall NY students in Cornwall Central School District.
The commitment of Cornwall Elementary School Community is to educate and challenge children to their fullest potential thru continually revitalizing and assessing the whole educational process.
Cornwall Elementary School has a tradition of excellence and as we move forward with the new Common Core Curriculum, we will challenge our students in new ways so that all children can show growth. Our dedicated faculty has spent time this summer preparing and planning this curriculum so that your children will be given the tools they need for success. In the area of ELA (English Language Arts) the children will spend more time working with non-fiction text, engaging in peer conversations about the text and finding the evidence to support their conclusions. Vocabulary and writing will be transferred across the curriculum and into other content areas. While developing mathematical skills, students will spend longer amounts of time on key concepts before moving on to the next concept. In doing so they will truly develop as mathematical thinkers and acquire the skills they need for more challenging mathematical concepts.
We will continue our “Cornwall Cares” Character Education program this year. The traits that the children learn align nicely with DASA (Dignity for All Students Act.) Each child will feel supported and safe at Cornwall Elementary and the emphasis will be on treating others the way you would like to be treated. To start the year, our students will learn about the “Friendship Trait” and how to make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.
99 Lee Rd.
Cornwall, NY, 12518
Fax: 845-534-0569
The school day begins at 8:40am and ends at 3:20pm Monday thru Friday.