The New Holland Police Department in New Holland PA serves Earl Township.
The New Holland Police Department provides 24 hr police service to New Holland Borough and Earl Township. The Department consists of 12 full-time and 1 part-time officers. The Department has officers specially trained in crime scene techniques and participates in the Lancaster County Major Crimes Unit Forensic Response Team. The Department has a full-time Detective assigned to criminal investigations. Officers also participate in the Lancaster County Special Emergency Response Team (Sert) which they receive ongoing special training on a regular basis.
436 East Main Street
New Holland, PA, 17557
The Police Department can be contacted at the following phone numbers.
Dispatch: 717-354-4646
Admin: 717-354-4647
Emergency: 911
The Police Department administrative line is answered by the Administrative Assistant M-F between the hours of 8 am - 4:30 pm. All calls at other times are forwarded to the Lancaster County Communications Center in Manheim, PA.