The Elizabethtown Borough Planning & Zoning Codes Officials in Elizabethtown PA handle a variety of residential complaints.
The Borough employs two part time Codes Compliance Officials to handle a wide variety of residential complaints. The Codes Compliance Officials are in the office Monday through Friday, most mornings, or by appointment.
As of January 1, 2002, the Borough will invoice residents for the Codes Compliance Official's time. When the Codes Compliance Officials go out to follow up on a complaint, there will be a $25/hr. charge, with a $25 minimum charge per call. If a resident calls with a complaint, and the complaint turns out invalid, the resident that called with the complaint will be charged the fee. If the complaint results in the discovery of a code or ordinance violation, the owner of the property in violation will be charged the fee. This fee does not apply to calls requesting zoning and building permit information. It only applies to matters pertaining to the Existing Structures and Property Maintenance Code.
600 South Hanover Street
Elizabethtown, PA, 17022