The Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation is committed to improving the well being of County residents by providing facilities and programs that encourage participation in outdoor activities and foster personal action for the conservation of natural resources.
Park's Dept. Office in Central Park
The Department seeks to preserve and manage significant tracts of land and water for recreation and for conservation of scenic, historical, geological and ecologically significant areas.
With six regional parks and three recreational trails, the Department manages a total of 2,003 acres. Regional parks range in level of development from Central Park’s more urban setting to the Theodore Parker Natural Area’s rural setting in the woodlands along Stewart Run in the southeastern part of the County. All County parks and services are also open to non-residents.
The Department employs fifteen full-time and approximately sixty part-time/seasonal employees, including those in environmental education and the swimming pool.
The Department has four divisions:
Environmental Education
Park Ranger/Security
The Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation is proud to be a member of the Lancaster County Recreation and Parks Alliance.
1050 Rockford Road
Lancaster, PA, 17602
Fax: 717-295-5942