The Goochland County Health Department is located at 1800 Sandy Hook Rd. Goochland, VA.
The Goochland County Health Department provides clinical services for maternity, family planning, and sexually transmitted infections. We provide routine immunizations to children and adults including seasonal influenza vaccine.
Other services include:
-WIC Program, a supplemental food program for Women Infants and Children
-TB Screening and Testing
-Pregnancy Testing
-Disease, Surveillance, and Investigation
-Prevention and Health Promotion
Our Environmental Health Department provides services for homeowners in need of a well or an onsite sewage disposal system. Applications are available on the Virginia Department of Health's website.
The Environmental Health staff also inspects restaurants and handles food establishments, pools, hotel and other miscellaneous complaints.
1800 Sandy Hook Road
PO Box 178
Goochland, VA, 23063
Fax: 804-556-3707
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.