Gen-Plus, Inc.

Electrical Contractors Install Generators in Kingston, NY Area-Gen-Plus, Inc.
Electrical Contractors Install Generators in Kingston, NY Area-Gen-Plus, Inc.

Gen-Plus in Tillson, NY are licensed and insured electrical contractors serving Ulster County and Dutchess County - installing commercial & residential generators to their local customers in Kingston & Ulster County. The Gen-Plus technicians are factory trained and certified by Generac and Kohler to install, service, repair and do warranty work in the Hudson Valley. 

Gen Plus has been providing quality and professional electrical contracting services in the Hudson Valley, NY area for over 25 years!

Gen-Plus, Inc. has a commitment to all of their customers in the Hudson Valley to do the best possible job, while providing the best electrical contracting services - and at the fairest and most competitive rates.

At Gen-Plus, Inc. it is their goal and number one priority to see that their customers - when and if they lose power - will have an efficient standby back up power system that is reliable, safe and efficient.

Gen-Plus sells, installs, and services automatic generators for residential, commercial, and industrial applications - and offers multiple brands and sizes ranging from 8kW to 1000kW.  In the event of a power outage, the generator "kicks in" - supplying you with immediate and reliable back up power.  

Their automatic generators can run on liquid propane, natural gas or deisel, depending on your preference and location. Gen-Plus, Inc. an investment in power, and peace of mind!

Gen-Plus Customer Advantages:

  • Generator is sized for maximum efficiency
  • All installations are done by certified trained technicians
  • No starting, stopping, or maintenance of generator by customer
  • No power loss, or loss of perishable items
  • No business/financial loss for commercial/industrial customers
  • Potential loss-insurance discounts for commercial and industrial customers
  • Potential insurance discounts for residentail and commercial customers
  • Reliable service agreements
  • Peace of mind! 

More importantly, at Gen Plus, they are not just a generator dealer, they are factory authorized for repairs, maintenance and installations, as well. Not all dealers are, so thats an important distinction when it comes to reliability, confidence and trust.

And if repairs are ever needed, customers that purchase from them are always their first priority, and they stock the most common parts needed for repairs on Kohler and Generac generators because they know down time is not an option in emergency situations.

At Gen Plus, service and repair is where they bring the most value to their customers and it’s what truly sets them apart from the pack...


Quality Automatic Standby Generator Systems for Comercial & Industrial/Commercial and Residential use. Featuring Generac and Kohler Power Systems.

  • Kohler Home Generators: For high end residential and commercial installations. Installation costs are the same as Generac, but the Kohler units are a bit more expensive. Typically the Kohlers are more durable, and tend to have the best track record for durability and repairs.

  • Generac Home Generators: The Generac Guardian series provides excellent balance between power and affordability, and is a very popular choice amongst homeowners. The Guardian series comes in many models with power ratings ranging from 8-20 kilowatts. For larger residences, Generac offers more powerful solutions.


When You Hire The Gen Plus Team of Generator Specialists Your Installation Will Go As Planned, And You’ll Get Our Expert Support For Life!

Here Are 3 Reasons Why You’ll Be Glad You Hired Us…

1). Your generator installation will go smoothly without delays. That’s because they own all their own equipment and have the credentials and expertise to do the job beginning to end, (plumbing, excavation, concrete and wiring) without subcontracting out like many other electricians do.

2). At Gen-Plus they don’t need to hire subcontractors, so your job doesn’t get held up from scheduling issues - and you’ll have true generator specialists doing the work, not random subcontractors hired by an electrician that are inexperienced in generator installation.

3). At Gen-Plus they will also take care of your construction permits and coordinate with the gas or propane company to hook up the fuel, because they like to make it really easy for you!

... And When The Power Goes Out For Everyone Else, Your Power is Back On in 30 Seconds - Even if You're Not Home!