The Kingston CIty Climate Action Planning Committee in Kingston NY serves the residents of Ulster County.
In October 2009, the City of Kingston adopted the “Climate Smart and Green Jobs Community Pledge.” The pledge follows guidelines developed by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Climate Smart Communities program along with the “Local Government Green Jobs Pledge” sponsored by ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability. This pledge outlines ten steps the City of Kingston will strive to undertake to combat climate change.
As a Climate Smart Community, Kingston was able to secure a one-year grant from NYSERDA to hire a ‘climate analyst’ to conduct a baseline energy assessment, develop a greenhouse gas inventory and create a Climate Action Plan for the City of Kingston. The ‘climate analyst’ will work with the Kingston CAC, the Climate Smart Green Jobs Community Task Force, its subcommittees and the Climate Smart Community Coordinator to conduct a GHG inventory and identify GHG reduction strategies for the Climate Action Plan.
The mission of the Climate Smart Green Jobs Community Task Force is to create and implement an action plan including comprehensive policies and programs for the City of Kingston to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance operational and energy efficiencies, reduce energy costs, support local job growth, and adapt to a changing climate while improving quality of life, saving taxpayer dollars, and promoting social justice.
In August 2011, the City of Kingston became a member of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability . The Climate Analyst will be using the tools and resources available through the ICLEI membership to develop the City's greenhouse gas emissions data and emissions reduction strategies as part of the Climate Action Plan.
Kingston, NY, 12401