Onteora Phoenicia Elementary School

Onteora Phoenicia Elementary School

Phoenicia Elementary School in Phoenicia NY is an elementary school in the Onteora Central School District. 

The Phoenicia Elementary School is dedicated to providing an environment which enables each individual to become the best that he or she can be. In order to achieve this, we accept the responsibility to provide a positive, purposeful and orderly climate in which:
all students are provided the opportunity to learn
individual differences are accepted and provided for
the emotional, social, academic and physical needs of the school community are highly valued
teaching and learning are our first priority
Working together, the staff, parents, and students of the Phoenicia School strive to fulfill these expectations.


School Lane
Phoenicia, NY, 12464

Fax: 845-688-2324

Hours of Service:

Student Start and End Times:  8:45 AM - 3:45 PM