The Lancaster County Planning Commission (LCPC) is the only agency that comprehensively addresses countywide planning issues. The Commission combines county policies with federal and state planning responsibilities to support the application of countywide plans for the future. The agency protects the health, safety, and welfare of our residents: provides leadership in the management of growth and change in the county; and balances the desire to preserve the uniqueness of Lancaster County with the need to change the economy, ecology, and built environment.
The Planning Commission consists of nine Commission Members and an Executive Director appointed by the board of County Commissioners. The Planning Commission is served by a professional staff supervised by the Executive Director.
Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating Committee (LCTCC)
LCTCC is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Lancaster County and each LCPC Member holds a seat on its board of twenty-two members. A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally required transportation planning body comprised of elected and appointed officials representing local, state and federal governments or agencies having interest or responsibility in transportation planning and programming. An MPO is responsible for the development of a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for its metropolitan planning area. The adoption of these documents is a prerequisite for the receipt of both federal transit and federal highway funding.
150 North Queen Street
Suite 320
Lancaster, PA, 17603
Fax: 717-295-3659