Pitcairn PA Tax Office for Local & School Real Estate Tax is collected by an elected tax collector. The Borough of Pitcairn taxes are mailed May 1. Everyone who owns property within the Borough of Pitcairn should receive a real estate tax bill. If you do not receive a tax bill, contact the office.
Discount period (2%) May 1 thru June 30. -Face period July 1 thru August 31. - Penalty begins September 1st. Payments can be made by mail, in person or through the drop off slot near her front door. You must have separate checks payable to each taxing body when paying your real estate taxes.
575 Seventh Street
Pitcairn, PA, 15140
Fax: 412-373-1464
Monday and Wednesday - 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Thursday - 12:00PM -3:00PM