Fire-Murrysville Sardis Volunteer Fire Company #78 (non-emergency)

Fire-Murrysville Sardis Volunteer Fire Company #78 (non-emergency)

The Sardis Volunteer Fire Company Station 78 100% Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company located in Murrysville, Pa approximately 22 miles east of the City of Pittsburgh.We are 1 of 3 Volunteer Departments serving the Municipality of Murrysville thats primarily responsible for 37 square miles and 21,000 residents. Our community consists of single family and multi-family dwellings, commerical,industrial,manufacturing and three 24 hour Nursing Homes. The Sardis Volunteer Fire Company is a participating department at the 75% level as defined by The Office of the State Fire Commissioner. In 2007 we celebrated 50 years of service to our community.

Emergencies Please Dial:  911


5205 Rocky Hill Lane
Murrysville, PA, 15668

Fax: 724-733-2732