Westmoreland County Veterans Affairs

Westmoreland County Veterans Affairs

Our mission is to ensure that Westmoreland County Veterans receive those benefits to which they are entitled. The blessings of liberty have not been won or maintained easily or without great cost. Over the years, it has required the dedication and sacrifice of tens of thousands of servicemen and servicewomen to ensure all Americans can live, work, and worship as they choose.
The health and well-being of our Veterans must remain a top priority of our county, our state, and our nation. We at the Westmoreland County Office of Veterans Affairs are committed to ensure that our Veterans and all Veterans receive those benefits to which they are greatly entitled.

Ours is a gift of service which is gladly shared with all who are in need, throughout the year.

FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. WE HONOR OUR FALLEN BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ARMS.  As of  April 14, 2014, the number of Americans who have given the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq: 4489 and Afghanistan: 2313. Please keep them and their loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.


2 N. Main Street Suite 502
Greensburg, PA, 15601

Fax: 724-830-3532

Hours of Service:

Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm