Fostertown Elementary School is an elementary school serving Newburgh NY students in the Newburgh City School District.
Fostertown Elementary School is located at 364 Fostertown Road in Newburgh, NY. Fostertown is a K-5 school. Enrollment is approximately 600 students. Average class size is 22 students.
Fostertown’s programs revolve around their two schools of choice themes of Excellence through Creativity - Fine and Performing Arts & Dual Language Program. In addition, Fostertown offers Reading Enrichment Groups, Pupil Enrichment Program for grades 2-6 and co-integrated classes for all grades. Songs Swaps for grades K & 1, individual productions for grades 2 & 3 and larger productions for grades 4-6 are all activities for the students used to reinforce Fostertown’s magnet theme.