The duties of the New Windsor NY Town Clerk are mandated by federal, state, and local law, and in addition to licensing authority, include the following:
•Attends all Town Board meetings and authors the minute books of the Town Board.
•As Records Management Officer, is legal custodian of all town records.
•Administrator of Freedom of Information Law
•As Filing Officer, is responsible for the administration and filing of numerous documents, including local laws, oaths of office, resignations, petitions, fiscal reports, court actions, bonds and notes, zoning ordinances, maps, and burial permits.
•Is responsible for publication of legal notices.
•Advertises and conducts bid openings for purchases of equipment, services, and supplies.
•Is responsible for assisting with state and internal audits.
•Maintains Legal Signboard.
555 Union Avenue
New Windsor, NY, 12553
Fax: 845-563-4611