South Londonderry Township Community Deveopment serves Lebanon County and is located in Campbelltown PA.
South Londonderry Township is one of a few municipalities in Lebanon County with its own Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations, and Building Codes. The Township's Community Development Official is responsible for enforcing all Township Ordinances and Regulations except those specifically assigned to the Police Department. The Community Development Official is also involved in the planning and development functions of the Township, providing liaison and technical assistance to the Planning Commission and the Zoning Hearing Board.
Building permits are required for any construction, including alterations and repairs that take place within the Township. If you are not sure whether a building permit and/or inspections are required for your project, please call the Community Development Official.
Presently, building inspections are conducted by third party agency under contract to the Township. These inspectors are agents of the Township and ensure that any construction activity taking place meet the requirements set forth in the adopted building codes. These are minimum building standards.
The Township's engineering needs are also met through a third party agency. This agency evaluates proposed subdivisions and land development plans. In addition, the engineers provide other technical services as needed.
20 West Market Street
Campbelltown, PA, 17010
Fax: 717-838-4122