Town of Crawford Architectural Review Board

Town of Crawford Architectural Review Board
An Architectural Review Board has been established for the Town of Crawford in Pine Bush NY to maintain and promote the architectural and aesthetic values of the town's historic and traditional central business district. Preservation of the architectural and historic significance of the Pine Bush central business district area and of the town's scenic and agricultural heritage and architecture are goals of the Town's Comprehensive Plan update.
The Architectural Review Board has the responsibility and authority to review and approve exterior renovations, alterations, construction, reconstruction and other exterior building, structure and site alterations, including signs, for properties located within the Architectural Review Overlay District prior to commencement of any such work.


121 Route 302
Pine Bush, NY, 12566

Fax: 845-744-3126

Hours of Service:

The Architectural Review Board meets first Thursday of each month at 5:30pm at Town Hall, as needed.