Vail Farm Elementary School in LaGrangeville NY is a elementary school in the Arlington Central School District.
Welcome to Vail Farm Elementary School! We are a K-5 school with approximately 800 students. Our school district is committed to the success of each child. At Vail Farm Elementary School, our work is helping children be successful learners and knowing what strengths and needs each child has. The communication we have with parents is a key ingredient in helping maximize student achievement.
Together as a staff we work on helping children understand how to be successful in the classroom, around the school, and with other children and the adults. Our CARES program creates ways to recognize individual and group success. We talk about working hard to achieve success, we talk about enjoying our time together, and we show each other the respect that makes such an important difference in achievement of any goal.
Opportunities to share and discuss student success, district initiatives, and Vail Farm events are scheduled regularly. Support for many fine experiences, such as the Arts-in-Education Residency and the Science-in-Residency Programs are provided by our wonderful PTA. Our school community enthusiastically participates in these and other PTA offerings as well as faculty sponsored Curriculum Nights.
We work hard to render Vail Farm Elementary School an interesting, challenging, and engaging place to be. We expect children to do their best. To that end, we are committed to finding ways to help each child achieve that goal. We take seriously Arlington Central School Districts motto:
Committed to the Success of Each Child
1659 East Noxon Road
LaGrangeville, NY, 12540
Fax: 845-227-1940