Welcome to Todd Middle School! Middle school is an exciting and challenging time for children both educationally and socially. Todd offers comprehensive academic and social programs to stimulate and challenge our students in a supportive environment. I believe there are some fundamental principles that are linked to a student’s success and happiness in school which I call the Three As to Success.
To our students:
It goes without saying that in order for you to be successful in school you must show up. However, it is important to go beyond just showing up for school to becoming involved in the life of your school.
Your school is what you make of it. A school that has an actively involved student body is an exciting and fun place to be. Each one of you has something to offer the Todd community and as your Principal, I ask that you participate in at least one after-school activity whether it is a sport, club, drama production, etc. There are many opportunities relative to after school activities listed in this book and I can assure you that one or more are right for you.
Your attitude will affect the culture of your school. It is important to realize that the attitudes you choose affect not only you personally, but those around you. I believe each of us has the responsibility to make our school environment positive and upbeat.
I encourage you to take the attitude that school is an opportunity rather than an imposition. If you do this, you will be happier while you are here and you will significantly increase your opportunity to be successful.
We all make choices, and to be successful we must make the choice to take some risks. I encourage all of you to challenge yourselves academically. Strive to be on the honor roll and become a member of the National Junior Honor Society.
Don’t be afraid to accept the fact that the reason you go to school is to make your self a better person. Priorities should include participation in your classes, doing your homework and studying for tests. If you do your part and make academics a priority I can assure you that your teachers, your Dean of Students, your guidance counselors and I will do our part to help you be successful.
Remember attendance, attitude and academics, the three As to success.
To our parents/guardians:
We have an open door policy at Todd. We encourage you to be involved in your child’s education by attending school functions, meeting with the teachers and contacting
11 Croft Road
Poughkeepsie, NY, 12603
Fax: 845-463-7832
7:30 AM - 3:3- PM