The Town of Poughkeepsie Town Supervisor is located in Poughkeepsie NY. Nestled on the east bank of the scenic Hudson River, Poughkeepsie is home to over 45,000 people. Vassar College, Marist College and Dutchess Community College are all located within the town. Along with these prestigious institutes of higher learning, we are also proud to have Locust Grove, the former home of Samuel Morse, as well as many other buildings and sites of similar historical significance. Click here for the Final Assessment Roll
Poughkeepsie derives its name from a spring where Indians once gathered to weave lodges from the abundant cattail reeds. These native Americans called their meeting place Uppuqui (oo-poo-kee) meaning lodge-covered, plus ipis meaning little water, plus ing meaning place, all of which translated to the reed-covered lodge by the little water place, or Uppuqui-ipis-ing. This later evolved into “Apokeepsing, then into “Poughkeepsing” and, finally, Poughkeepsie.
1 Overocker Road
Poughkeepsie, NY, 12603
Fax: 845-485-3701