Saugerties NY HUD Office is lcoated on 4 High Street in Saugerties NY. Public Housing Agency was founded in 1978 to administer a rental assistance program in the Town of Saugerties. This program is funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and is called the Housing Choice Voucher Program, or Section 8.
Eligibility for rental assistance is based on the gross annual income of a household. The income limit is 50% of the area median income, which HUD calculates each year.
Applications are available to be sent or picked up at the office at Town Hall (4 High Street). Income eligible applicants are placed on a waiting list. When an applicant reaches the top of the waiting list, and eligibility has been confirmed, the applicant can choose and lease a privately owned rental unit in the Town of Saugerties. The tenant’s rent payment is limited to 30-40% of the household’s income and the program pays the balance of the rent to the owner.
HUD’s Voucher Program does not provide funds for emergency assistance, but preferences are given to applicants who have extremely low income, are homeless, disabled, elderly, paying 50% of their income or more for rent and utilities, are victims of domestic violence, or who are veterans.