The Town of Rochester Animal Control is located in Accord NY. The Dog Control Officer investigates dog complaints, takes action when necessary, and maintains the Town Pound for stray and lost dogs. State law requires that all dogs four months of age and older be licensed and wear tags. Unlicensed dogs can be adopted after seven days if not redeemed and licensed by owner. Dogs are humanly euthanized only if vicious or chronically ill.
For Emergencies after 5 PM, weekends or holidays, call the assistant dog control officer, Kevin Hindman 687-7001 (or cell 464-0392).
All other messages should be left on the answering machine at 626-5957.
Animal Cruelty: Issues pertaining to Animal Cruelty, including inappropriate shelter, are handled by the local Sheriff’s Office (626-2233) or the State Police (626-2801). You may contact them directly or leave a message with the Dog Control Officer, who will forward it to the correct authority.