The Zoning Board of Appeals is comprised of five members who are residents of the Town of Warwick. Zoning Board of Appeals Members are appointed by the Town Supervisor, subject to approval by the Town Board and serve as unpaid volunteer municipal officials. The members’ terms are staggered in an effort to limit the number of appointments in one calendar year.
The Zoning Board of Appeals studies and votes on applications that do not meet the Requirements of the Town Code. To assist the Zoning Board of Appeals in reviewing applications and making decisions, the Town has hired an Engineer (on an as-needed basis), an Attorney, and a Planner (on an as-needed basis).
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the fourth Monday of each month. Please see Town Calendar for exact dates. The Zoning Board of Appeals schedules site inspections and special meetings on an as-needed basis with public announcements.
Before an Applicant can apply to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals, he must be first have his proposed action denied by the Building Department or the Planning Board to demonstrate that what is proposed does not meet the Requirements of the Town Code.
132 Kings Highway
Warwick, NY, 10990