NY Hunting License

NY Hunting License

Mandatory Hunter Education: A hunter education course is required for persons who cannot show proof that they have ever possessed a hunting license. The general course is a minimum 10 hours in length. DEC honors hunter education certificates and sporting licenses from all other states and countries.

Mandatory Bowhunter Education: Hunters wishing to bowhunt for deer and bear must take an additional 8 hour minimum bowhunter education course. DEC also honors bowhunter education certificates issued by:
•National Field Archery Association or National Bowhunter Education Foundation or International Bowhunter Education Program issued in 1974 or later in any state or country,
•Any state or provincial fish and wildlife agency (certificate or card must specify the course was for bowhunting and not a general hunting course with a bowhunting segment),
•Ontario Bowhunters Association (on green or brown letterhead stationery with moosehead-bow and arrow emblem until July 31, 1987), or
•Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (on letterhead after August 1, 1987).

Find additional information about Sportsman Education or look for an education course (External Link) offered near you. You can also find information by contacting a DEC Regional Office or by calling 1-888-HUNT-ED 2 (1-888-4868-332).


625 Broadway
Albany, NY, 12223